My Story

Prologue: Time to Tell My Story

Twenty years ago I moved to the farm to help my Mom and Dad. The next two years would be some of the most exciting moments of my life and the most tragic. Over the years I’ve tried to write about this period of my life. I thought about writing a book. For many reasons I decided not to. I’ve always enjoyed blogging so I will post my story here.

I’ll be pulling from my memory and documents that I’ve kept over the years. My dad also kept a journal.

Most people only know the part of our story that involves the man at the end of the road, the right of way and the shooting. There is more to the story. My parents and I had some great times on the farm. We connected with a wonderful church family. My parents were always a great couple but they were more in love with each other in those last two years of their lives than at any other time.

I miss them terribly. I miss our time together on the farm. My memories of them are precious. It’s about time I shared them.